Naturally Rare Words
Story & photos by Kaia Thomson / Originally published in Journal del Pacifico Fall 2022
Have you ever wondered if there was a word for some of the most amazing things in the natural world? Here is a sampling of some of them in no particular order, just unusual, fun, and relating to beautiful Baja California Sur.
Petrichor: The distinctive smell of the first rain after a period of warm, dry weather.
Dendrophile: Someone who loves nature.
Apricity: Warmth and feel of the sun in winter that is different from how it feels in the summer.
Frondescence: The appearance of new leaves on a plant.
Moonglade: The path or reflection of the moon on water
Noctivagant: One who is nocturnal, a night wanderer.
Ombrophilous: Plants and animals that have a passion for rain.
Psithurism: The sound of leaves rustling in the breeze.
Thalassic: Something pertaining to the ocean and seas.
Noctivagant: Common Mexican tree frog (Smilisca baudinii)
Cosmognosis: The instinct to which the migrations of birds has been attributed.
Ombrophobous: Plants that are incapable of withstanding long continued rain.
Phytogeography: The geographical study of plants and their global distribution
Virga: The trails of precipitation from a cloud that evaporate before reaching the ground
Serein: A fine rain which falls from a near cloudless sky, a phenomenon not unusual in tropical climates.
Renidification: To build another nest.
Spindrift: The fine spray swept from the tops of the waves by the force of the wind.
Freshet: A flood or overflowing of a river, from seasonal heavy rains
Plenilunar: Pertaining to the full moon.