Naturally Rare Words

Naturally Rare Words

Naturally Rare Words Story & photos by Kaia Thomson / Originally published in Journal del Pacifico Fall 2022 Have you ever wondered if there was a word for some of the most amazing things in the natural world? Here is a sampling of some of them in no particular...

The Beautiful Hummingbirds of Los Colibris Casitas

Los Colibris “The Hummingbirds” Casitas was named for the beautiful hummingbirds who frequent our gardens, including Xantus’s Hummingbird, a species that can only be found in the southern part of the Baja peninsula. Guest Tony Vitolo took these...
Fall Festivals 2022

Fall Festivals 2022

There is always something to celebrate in Baja California Sur, and we’re excited to announce that three of our great Todos Santos festivals are returning this fall! They will be wonderful celebrations of food, wine, film, fantasy – and life...
Post Cards from the Pacific

Post Cards from the Pacific

We’re delighted to have a sweet selection of notecards available at Los Colibris Casitas. With a nod to Todos Santos’ artistic roots, each card features watercolor artwork depicting beautiful vistas or detailed flora as featured here. The sets are created...