Fall Festivals 2022

There is always something to celebrate in Baja California Sur, and we’re excited to announce that three of our great Todos Santos festivals are returning this fall! They will be wonderful celebrations of food, wine, film, fantasy – and life itself! We’re extremely pleased to report that we are sponsors of all 3 festivals, and that each festival embraces the waste reduction principles of Alianza Cero Basura, of which Todos Santos Eco Adventures is a proud founding member and advocate. Dates and details:

Day of the Dead Festival: Oct 30-Nov 2. The Katrina Contest is a Trash Katrina Contest with contestants making their costumes and altars out of recycled materials this year!

Todos Santos Film Festival: Nov 3-8. Alianza Cero Basura is sponsoring the Cineminuto Film competition for local students who make films about why it is important to reduce trash to keep our oceans clean.

GastroVino Festival: Nov 11-13. Alianza Cero Basura will be providing the water bottle refill stations at the festival—a growing town-wide effort to reduce plastic bottle waste.
